Moses, Hebrews 11:23

Hebrews 11:23
Listen from:
Address—G. Hayhoe
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264,009 eternal words, a son of man, a sovereign Lord and now by based on daily rest of all because I kind of.
We're going to have more questions that we're going to introduce to the variable.
Revenue progression.
Gospel in verse 11.
These things have I spoken unto you.
That my joy may remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you.
Greater love hath no man than this To the man lay down his life for his friends.
Here are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you.
That's what I call you off surface, for the servant knoweth not what is Lord Doeth, but I have called you friends. For all things that I have heard of my father, I have made known of you.
You have not chosen me, that I have chosen you, and ordained you that he should go and bring forth fruit. Amateur fruit should remain.
So whatsoever we shall ask as a father in my name.
He may give it you.
These things I command you that you love one another.
Because the world hate you. You know that It hated me before it hated you. If you're out of the world, the world would love his own. But because you're not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.
Therefore the world hated you.
Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his Lord.
If they are pretty good at me, they will also persecute you. If they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
But all these things will I do unto you for my namesake, because they know not him, the sentence.
If I have not come and spoken unto them, they have not had sin, but now have they no cloak for their sin?
The pain of me, hate of my father also.
If I had not done among them the words which none other man did, they had not had sinned. But now have they both seen and hated both me and my father.
But this coming to pass, that the word might be fulfilled, which is written in their own they hated me without a cause.
But when the Comforter has come, when I will send unto you from the Father even the Spirit of Truth which must eat it from the Father, he shall testify of me, and ye also shall bear witness, because you've been with me from the beginning.
If I were asked what characterized the present dispensation, I would say.
Is the presence of the Holy Spirit of God.
Come down from a glorified Christ. What for?
Give us some taste of heaven before we get there.
To give us a taste of heaven before we get there.
In this gospel.
He gives us his life, his peace, his joy.
And his home brethren, could he give us more?
Every Christian blessing is a gift.
Every Christian blessing.
Is an altitude beyond which God couldn't go.
If he hasn't won your heart and mind, what more could he do to win it?
For all is yours, and ye are Christ, and Christ is God. So here are these things have I spoken unto you.
Here I'd like to make a remark.
John's ministry here.
Is anticipative.
Of full Christian blessings.
And all the blessing of the Epistles even.
Wouldn't be enjoyed.
Unless you had a new nature and a new power to enjoy it. So the foundation of the enjoyment of the epistles that you get after this, the foundation is laid in John's ministry.
A new light and the Spirit of God indwelling to make it good in power and blessing.
And so we can rejoice in hope of that coming day.
When every desire will be fully satisfied.
Up there in Yonder glory.
Not one of the Saints will have an unsatisfied desire.
Not one divergent thought.
Not one thing shall ever enter the mind.
But fullness of joy and satisfied spirit.
Our praise forever.
All the richness of the ministry.
In the in these chapters in John, May God give us to enjoy it better.
I know that's very in that 11Th verse. The new translation and make it a little different.
After something there for us, here's the way it reads I have, I have spoken these things to you that.
My joy may be in you.
And your joy may be your joy be full.
I wanted to ask the question is the fact that his joy in US?
Precedes our joy before.
Something for us to consider.
Is it? Is it bad? I just asked Julie to get help.
Isn't that the Lord is finding His joy in the Saints, resulting in our joy being full?
I would say yes.
The point is this, brother.
That creation never satisfied the heart of God.
God is sufficient unto Himself in everything but one thing.
That is, in his love, he must have objects to love.
And creation didn't satisfy the heart of God.
But in Lady David is coming.
He will rest.
In his mouth.
He will rest in his love. Now another point.
No Angel will satisfy the heart of God.
You find his satisfaction in his children.
Possessing a life and a nature that will enable us to enjoy forever.
What God himself enjoys. What do you think, Brother Hale, that it's important to look at things from the Lord?
As well as our own, we may be occupied with our side of things.
Our joy.
But should we not consider that the Lord finds his joy in his people? And though you get in Hosea, the Lord portion is his people? And then in that same prophet you get Ephraim?
Is a cake not turn? Well, that's quite a thought for us. And you also get in that faint prophet that Ephraim hath mixed himself with the world.
Over their nations Abraham half Gray hair here and there N it's not for any Christian who is in any way mixing up with the world is offering the Lord the kind of a portion that is illustrated by a kidnap turn.
We all know what that would be like. A cake roll on one side and burned on the other side.
Well, the Lord portion of these people, and if we're mixing in any way with the things of the world.
We're offering the Lord a very bad portion for him to enjoy or him to have to do it. And so here we get the Lord side of things first, finding his joy in his people.
Are important. What exercise and soul there should be, that we're walking in a way that will give him joy, and if we give him joy, we can be very sure that we'll be happy and we'll have our joy in himself. That's the very thing that I was trying to bring out, Brother Barry.
The very thing I was trying to bring up, the very thing I said.
That creation didn't satisfy the heart of God.
He finds his joy in his people.
That's the point.
When the second chapter of Hebrews.
Come in nicely at this point.
When you have the.
Of the present period in which we are.
I I would emphasize again what our brother Hayhoe mentioned casually at the beginning of our meeting.
What are the 2 Characteristics?
That mark the Christian dispensation off from all that preceded it, or all that will follow it.
Two things.
The Presence and the glory of God.
Of the man Christ Jesus.
And the presence on earth of the indwelling Spirit of God. Now those are the two characteristics of the present administration.
God is carrying on.
It's the failure to see that.
That is, that has led to much confusion in the thinking of Christendom.
Failing to distinguish between the old and the new.
Failing to keep the new wine and the new bottles. And when we when we mix them, we're into confusion right away. But it will just remember that Christianity begins with Christ in the glory, the the glorified man.
And the Holy Spirit.
Sent down to end well believers here in the sea. Now that will not be true again.
And never was true before.
Well now in the second of Hebrews.
Reading from the 12Th verse. Well, I might read from the 11Th verse.
For both he that sanctify us and they who are sanctified.
Are all of one. That is, they're all of one company. He associates himself with them.
For which 'cause he is not ashamed to call him brethren.
In other words, when he calls them brethren, he doesn't do it with any embarrassment or any apologies.
Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee.
And again I will put my trust in him. And again.
Now here's his cry of of triumph, of satisfaction.
They whole.
I and the children that God has given me.
Oh, brethren, that's that's the cry of his heart.
The whole eye and the children that God has given me now He had all that before him in purpose when he came down here.
That's what filled his vision when that moment should be.
Well, this this particular scripture isn't fulfilled yet. You know he doesn't have them all get home in the glory, but it's as sure as those were already true. He's going to be able to say, behold I and the children which God has given.
And all our happiness and all our intelligence.
Depends upon how we treat the divine guest that dwells within us.
He'll never leave you, but if you greet him.
You lose your happiness.
And you lose your intelligence in the things of God.
But if you walk with God.
Judging self.
And occupied with the person and work of grace.
And in that communion.
Joy will accompany your pathway.
All through life's history until you see his face in glory.
Oh, brethren Goddess, infinite wisdom have provided adequately perfectly.
For every step of our journey and if we fail.
It's not failure on his part to supply our needs, it's pleasure on our part to avail ourselves.
Of the richness of the supply.
For the source of every blessing is the heart of God in glory.
It is the Father's joy to bless.
Belongs that you and I might be in the full enjoyment of all the work of his Son of the Cross, that we might taste it down here, We'll enjoy it forever.
Affair 911 verse certainly doesn't.
Lend its weight to the idea that some have that.
If we become Christians, it's going to take the joy out of life.
I remember a case in divine.
Quite a number of years ago.
One of our dear faithful young sisters.
Was employed in a large firm there.
She was very efficient in her work.
Generally, the children of the Saints are efficient in their work.
They generally are faithful.
Because they're working. Not before the eye of the man that employed them. They're working before the eye of God.
Well, this dear sister was separated from the world. She was a godly sister and a happy sister.
And her manager said to her one day.
Mary, whatever. Whatever joy you get out of life.
He said. You don't seem to want to be interested in shows or you don't.
You don't go out to the party, you don't smoke and you don't drink and.
You just don't seem to do anything that the rest of us do. Whatever joy do you get in life.
Well, she had a beaming confidence, you know.
And she beamed upon him with that sweet smile, and she said, oh, Mr. So and so.
I just have grand time, oh, she said. I have such happy times.
And she told him a little of it. Well, it was all a strange language to him, but it was reality to her. Now that's perhaps.
Oh, we'll say that.
25 or 30 years ago.
Well, she's still living.
Is she still happy?
Oh yes, yes. I saw her picture the other day.
And the same satisfied smiles on her face. Young folks don't ever get the ideas.
That by turning over your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, whether you're a teenager or whether it's farther along the line.
That you're going to lose your happiness. It is not so.
The way to lose your happiness is to try to live the 5050 life, and I'll tell you why you can't be happy.
If you're a child of God.
And you seek to go into the world to find your happiness.
You'll have a miserable conscience. Miserable. And then when you're among God's people, you'll have a miserable time of it too, because your conscience is condemning you and you know that you're halfway up a hypocrite. You know that in your association with God's people.
That there's something in your life that doesn't belong there. So you can't be happy with God's people and you can't be happy with the world.
Do we really want to be happy in our goals or let's just go on with the Lord, Let's let him have his way. He wants to make us happy. That's what this chapter is bringing before us, this very verse.
One young Christian was approached for this question.
Regarding separation from the world.
Said, Have you countered what is going to cost you to follow the Lord Jesus Christ?
He said. I've counted what is going to cost if I don't.
I don't.
In the 50s of John, fullness of joy is through obedience.
And the 16th of Job, fullness of joy through answered prayer.
Why that? Does that follow? Because if you walk with God in communion, you'll know what to pray about and what to pray for.
Then in the 17th of John, fullness of joy is through communion.
Like to see it turn over?
16th of John.
The 24th, 1St.
Hitherto, have you asked nothing in my name?
Ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full.
Dom 15 goes before it because in order to ask a race, you need to be in communion. Now the 17th chapter.
The 12Th verse, while I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name.
That's the Father's name. Those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the Son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled. And now come I to thee, and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy.
Feel full or fulfilled.
In themselves.
Oh, there is the fruit of communion with the Father and the Son.
In the Gospel of Luke, the Lord is the man of sorrow.
Why? Because of the compassions of his heart.
In John, he's the man of joy.
He has associated around him though.
That are of like mind born of God.
And thus it is the Lord claims his joy in the company of those whom he has redeemed and brought to himself.
All beloved brethren, it's to get a taste of heaven before you get there.
Again, I say, let me lose it.
John's Gospel lays the foundation of all true, happy Christian life.
They are very foundation.
You didn't bring in the first Epistle of John chapter one and verse 4.
In your outline of the different places where fullness of joy is mentioned in that verse.
First, John, one and four, you read these things right, we unto you that your joy may be full.
Yes, I thought of it.
But I didn't mention it because we weren't considering the Epistle of John, The Epistle of John.
Is there in the first chapter.
In union with the Father and the Son.
In a day of ruin.
When all outward testimony seemingly has gone to pieces.
It gives you the key of going on in happiness in your soul.
When the public testimony is broken.
Don't we find in second Peter chapter one?
And verse 3.
What we have need of to go through.
Just put in the seed and give joy to the heart of the Lord and receive joy from him.
Let's read it.
Second Peter 1/3.
And I will read the second verse because it connects in thought.
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus, our Savior. You know, I read it wrong on purpose.
Our Lord.
Why? Because he's over all the circumstances. He could send an Angel when Peter was in jail to open the doors. Now the third verse, according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness.
That is, we've got a life that is characterized by godliness.
And now here is that which is to be before our souls.
Through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and Palestine. No, it's to glory and not Palestine.
And virtue is the moral courage needed to press on in a day of room.
But the object before us, and Peter, is writing to the Jews of the dispersion.
The object before them was not returned to Palestine.
But to God and virtue is the moral courage needed to press on in a day. Rd. the Lord never sends his soldiers into battle.
Without providing them with full armament.
And with all the weapons of conflict that are needed.
I'm told I've had no experience, but I'm told that there's nothing that a soldier resents more.
That is a real soldier.
And being sent into battle with no equipment.
He doesn't mind going out and fighting his battle, but he does like to have something to fight with.
Well, now God hath given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness.
We never can say well if things have been different.
I I wouldn't have been overcome. I wouldn't have suffered defeat if things had been different, in other words.
If if God had just given me what I needed for that particular trial.
I would have come forth victorious, but those things were lacking.
Our brethren, That's the heart of unbelief. It is not true God has given us.
All things that pertain on the life and godliness.
So you and I are equipped, by the grace of God for a life of victory here in this world.
It may not be what the world calls victory that's true.
But what God calls victory?
Might be well to think of.
Caleb and Josh in this connection.
Want to enjoy this? How? Caleb is the only one who drove out all his enemies from the portion he promised to him and why?
Was it not because he stayed close to Joshua? Joshua would represent would be a type of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Kenneth, A type of you and me as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. And take a look at Joshua.
Chapter 23 and verse 14. Perhaps a word for encouragement.
Joshua 2314.
That is not for that.
Would encourage us, as we have in the first chapter, many times over, but here.
Joshua 2314 And behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth, and you know, in all your hearts and in all your soul.
That not one thave hath failed of all the good things.
With the Lord your God's faith concerning you.
All are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof that lovely.
All the promises of God in him are Yay, and in him Amen.
Under the glory of God by us. Why does it say that?
Oh, it'll be to the glory of God, and by us is because we're such poor material.
And every victory that we ever gained was never done in our own strength. But it is.
And it will every victory will be to the praise and the glory of His grace.
For he's forming a people for his own praise.
Turn to Isaiah tells you that very principle.
43rd of Isaiah.
And this is prophetic of the coming day, when blessing will come to Israel.
Isaiah 43, verse 21.
This people have I formed for myself.
They shall show forth.
My brains.
Oh, they'll be brought back to the land after we're gone.
They will be blessed in the land.
But not one bit of glory can they take to themselves.
Will be to the praise of his glory. And when you and I get home to glory, not one of us will do any posting up there. Not one of us will do any boasting up there. It'll be to the praise of his glory.
He not only saved us, but he brought us through.
Oh, how we burst into praise in that day, brethren. That day put near Dad, Brother Hayhoe.
What discard? It would be in heaven if when we get there, we have the right to say.
Glory be to God.
For saving my soul and glory be to me.
That I have the good judgment to accept what he offered.
That would be entirely out of place, and yet there are multitudes of of Christians.
That think that that is the truth.
Well, what a reflection on the grace of God it is.
To think that when I get to Glory, I'm going to be there because.
I was so clever that when the thing was offered to me, I had the good sense to accept it. Well, if so, I have the right, when I'm up there, to thank God for saving me and congratulate myself on my good judgment.
But all brethren, we need to learn what Jonah learned down on the bottom of the sea.
The salvation is of the Lord from start to finish. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me All that the Father giveth me shall come to me.
And no man can come unto me except the Father which has sent me Draw him.
Those are the truths of Scripture, and the sooner we find it out, the better for our souls. We're going to be in the glory of God above.
Because of the sovereign grace of God.
The Chosen out from the world.
Saw us through the wilderness journey delivered a St. and the glory above.
It's going to be his work, and to him shall be all the glory, all of you. Verse 16 of our chapter just corroborates what you've stated.
Ye have not chosen me.
I have chosen you.
Have brethren.
He never regretted his choice.
People stumble over the doctrine of elections, one of the sweetest things in Scripture, as everything that comes from God is sweet.
We have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.
That he's never regretted his choice.
Or how lovely that is.
How beautiful it is to sit here in the conscious sense that were chosen of him. And he's watching over us with patient grace and love.
And the Spirit is seeking to throw right Christ on our hearts.
That Christ may be seen in our ways, and that the hope of that coming day may be sweeter.
As the years flow on and we get a little nearer home, I remember when I was in business calling on.
A Cringe and Businessman and Bank Street, Ottawa.
I should handle them when I went in in the morning and I said, brother, are you happier than the last day I mentioned?
He looked at me and he said, well, what do you ask that question for?
Well, I said when I said our leaves fought and he gets inside of home and he's about to meet his wife. Doesn't have nobody. Spirits get keyed up a little bit.
I said, Brother, aren't you a little nearer home than the last time I shook hands with you?
Oh, he said. Do you mean that? Why, I said, of course I do.
As you get older.
You ought to get happier, and you will if you walk with God.
Why, we're a little nearer home, I agree.
And we're a little nearer home than the last conference in Detroit.
There's a man in the flooring looking forward to your homecoming.
There's a man in the glory looking forward to your homecoming.
And he burst into singing and praise.
When you and I reached the shores of eternal body.
There's a sweet bird's connection with that Deuteronomy.
In connection with our walking through this great wilderness, Deuteronomy Chapter 2.
And verse 7.
There were only two. Seven, For the Lord thy God hath blessed thee in all thy works of thy hands.
He knows that's the thought he knoweth by walking through this great bonus. He's 40 years the Lord thy God, and with thee Thou hast lacked nothing.
All there and Him were complete in Christ.
In First Peter.
Second Peter the first chapter.
And the 19th verse.
We have also.
A more sure word of prophecy, I pardon mad believe I'll read this.
The other translation.
It's second Peter 119. I'll read it from Mr. Garvey and we have the prophetic word.
Made sure.
To which he knew well, taking heed.
As to the lamp shining in an obscure place.
Until the day dawn, the morning Star arise in your hearts.
The The morning Star is the harbinger of the day.
Now, the Morning Star.
Has already arisen in our hearts.
Not actually, but in our hearts it has.
It's the harbinger of the coming day.
The philosophy of the world around us is.
It's your wagon to a star.
That is, you're to set a high goal for yourself.
Be somebody.
Well, it's all right.
To hit your wagon to a star, I'm quoting, you know, from someone else.
If that star is the bright and morning star.
And that will not give you any great place in the world, but it'll give you a happy life. Give me joy. Give me a victory.
And all else is disappointment.
Bitter disappointment. This world offers a fair exterior.
But those that have gone the farthest into it?
Have proved what a disappointment it all is.
Happiness is a state of soul and not a question of circumstances.
Solomon reached the very height of all that men might seek after the earth.
We had wisdom given of God too. He had power. He had wealth.
But he writes all his vanity and pursuit of the wind.
But Paul can sing in jail.
What made him sing?
Happiness that was in his soul. It wasn't because he had a good organ or circumstances around him were good.
But his heart was living in the enjoyment of the Savior's love.
In the things of God.
You only enjoy the things as you walk in and.
It's not what we know that controls our lives.
It's what we enjoy.
What Satan is seeking to do?
Or unless you get knowledge.
Unless you get knowledge or the Bible reading.
But what he'll try and keep from you is walking in the truth.
Because it's only as you walk and it's that you enjoy it. Not what you know controls your life, it's what you enjoy.
And to enjoy is the purpose of God. He would have us in the enjoyment of it down here in our souls.
Looking forward to the day when we'll be in the very atmosphere of it up there. Jeremiah 616 for the hill, give it to us Jeremiah 616.
Thus saith the Lord, Stand he in the ways, and see, and ask for the old as where is the good way, And walk therein.
You shall find rest for your soul.
But based on we will not walk there.
Thinking of going on to.
The next verse, the 12Th verse, this is my commandment that he loved one another as I have loved you.
Just before that you get.
That you enjoy me, these people.
Well, when we have something that you're especially enjoying.
Some good news that just thrills us. It's natural, isn't it, To turn around and see if we can enjoy what we're enjoying with someone else.
So when you have your heart filled with the joy the Lord speaks of here, well then the Lord instructs you to enjoy your blessing, your happiness with others.
And I was thinking too, the Lord speaks of this as a commandment.
Well, this is one of the commandments of Christ. And you know, we're told that his commandments are not grievous. He doesn't grievous. It isn't a heavy yolk to enjoy the things of the Lord with the Saints of God. How, when you contrast this with the law of Moses, how different it is the law said, you know thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Well, immediately.
You're put in ******* but what a contrast you get here.
This command that he loved one another.
As I have loved you immediately instead of being occupied with ourselves.
Immediately we're occupied with Christ and we begin to consider how much did Christ love his own.
Well, we trace his life down here.
That life of faith and grace going on with his own influence in love and in faithfulness.
Never failing in any way, we learned something of how much the Lord loved his old. And you know, on the 13th chapter, the one preceding this, we get this, that having Love Is All which are in the world. He loved them unto the end. He never has peace to love his own, and he never will. So he goes upon high birds himself for a service that he's carrying on.
In Glory Above, now the Lord sets that as the pattern before his own in connection with their loved one to another and getting occupied with praise. For then we have the right object before our souls. Instead of having a legal aspect of things, we have a divine one.
Well, Mary isn't a danger. Isn't there a definite danger?
And a believer.
Especially a newly converted soul to be occupied with his or her love to Christ.
Because his brother Hegel was mentioned a moment ago.
That our circumstances changed.
One day therefore for us, and another day there against us. And if I'm occupied with my love to Christ.
Why? It'll be up and down, but not so with Christ's love for me.
That never changes. We ought to memorize the ninth verse of the 15th of John and say it every day.
Anybody here hasn't memorized it? Do it now.
Never try to love the Lord anymore. That could do. Sit down and be occupied with His love toward you.
Continue ye.
In my love.
And another remark, lest we lose it, and I see brethren are likely to lose it.
John 12 again verse 36 so verse verse 50.
And I know that His commandment is life everlasting, everlasting.
After little statement that's not generally understood.
But it means this.
That life everlasting or eternal life.
Is characterized by.
Every moral virtue, obedience, obedience, love.
And so that every exhortation is founded upon what you possess.
Never is it getting the thing by your own effort. Do you need strength?
Christ is your strength. You need wisdom. Christ is your wisdom. You need patience. Christ is your patience.
Will I quote what dearly beloved John Hammond?
Some of us knew him very well, and some of these remarks I've never forgotten.
He was talking to a Christian one day and it was a Christian lady.
And she said, Oh, but brother Hammond, you know, I've got naturally, an impatient disposition.
Brother. Hammond looked at her, and he said. No, sister, you've got the sweetest disposition it's possible to have.
And she looked at him, quite surprised.
Why? He said. Sister, aren't you a child of God?
Born of God, isn't Christ in you?
Well sister, it's only a question of which nature you're displaying the old one of the new one.
And you've got power.
To display the new one, I read Mr. Darby, what hit me awfully hard one day.
Oh, it hit me awfully hard, he said. Do you want to know why you're sin? He says. I'll tell you why. Because you want to. You've got the power to overcome that evil desire.
You've got the wisdom of God.
And all our failures springs from unbelief of the blessedness of the truth that Christ is our life and the Holy Spirit is our power, so that if we fail.
It's because we've allowed the flesh.
When God has given us a new nature and a new power and I repeat.
Every Christian exhortation is founded upon what you possess.
And every believer.
Every believer, without any exception, is equally blessed to God. I haven't any more blessings than you have, and you haven't any more than I have. God has no favorites.
Everyone is equally blessed.
The question is, are we walking in the good of it in our souls?
I like to use the illustration of the thermometer.
I suppose we all have thermometers in our homes.
And it consists of two major parts.
The scale and the tube of mercury.
The scale absolutely never changes.
Now that's what we have in Christ.
It never changes. You can look at that scale 365 days in a year and it's always exactly the same.
But all the mercury, that's another thing, isn't it? Rather, it's up and down, but it doesn't affect the scale.
So we're blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Always. Always.
But sad to say.
The mercury goes up and down.
Well, that's our failure now. One isn't excusing it to know. He's just confessing that it's truth. I was going to ask a question, brother Brown.
In the.
In the 13th 1St you read greater love hath no man in this than a man lay down his life for his friends.
In the 5th chapter Romans, when the eighth verse read But God commanded his love to warn us in that while we were yet sinners. So it says just before that scarcely for a righteous man will one die. Yet for adventure, for a good man, someone even dare to die.
Here there's only the mention of one dying for his friends, while in the 5th of Romans to get one dying for sinners, the ungodly and God's enemies. Why is that?
You tell us, brother. Well, I don't know. I want to ask purely for information.
Well, in our display of of love to another, it's just an illustration from life.
Greater love have to go man than this, and a man lay down his life for his friends.
You can't show any greater friendship to anyone than laying down your life for them.
Here are my friends. If you do whatsoever I command you, what shows that we're friends of Christ?
When we do what he's asked us to do.
On the passage that you've given us from Romans.
It's true that there might be a case in the world.
Where someone would be willing to give his life for a good man.
But God in his love.
Hasn't loved us to the extent of giving your son to die for us because of anything good that was there.
It wasn't a thing to commend it. We were enemies, we were rebels, we were everything that was bad then when Christ died for us. I think the the two illustrations are in a different connection.
Yesterday he loved me or loved us. Today he does the same. How long will this continue? Forever praise his name.
The leader of Christ saved together.
Today and forever.
I suppose from the brown we could say that the mercury is affected by outside influences.
Very appropriate, yes. And if I have affected by outside influences on mercury will be very low.
Although that answer Brother Gladden, that you gave to a man one time aboard a shift that you brought in that.
16 First, I think that would be interesting to be told here. Don't you think so? Well, I'll make it pretty brief.
I had the privilege of going on board of British warship in demand, Colombo Harbor and I went to see the Chapman for permission to go around the ship and give out the word to the officers and men.
And I was dressed in a white linen suit and a sun helmet. It was tropical.
And the chaplain? I noticed he was looking particularly at my neck.
So I asked for permission to go around. He looked at my necks and he said no. I'm afraid I cannot let you go around the ship, he said. You're not ordained.
Well, I had no clerical collar on.
So I quoted to him the first, the 16 first, I said. But Sir, excuse me, I am ordained. I'm ordained by God.
So I read the verse to him. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you.
That she should go for and bring forth fruit. Always said all right, you're going to go around then.
Let me go around and just give out the word.
So that's one occasion when dogs and use these precious words to remove obstacles.
Is there a different brother, Hale and being a child and being a friend?
But every child is brought into that place.
But it's one thing to be in the place and another thing to be walking in the good of it.
Every believer is a child and every believer is treated as a friend.
But to walk in the good of it is another thing.
And so he says, ye are.
My friend, if you do whatsoever, I command you.
Now turn to the 16th chapter.
On the 13th and 14th verses I'll be it. When he the Spirit of truth, his comedy will guide you into all truth. But he shall not speak of or from himself. But whatsoever he shall hear that he speak, and he will show you things to come, and he shall glorify me, for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.
There, it's treating them as friends.
Of unfolding to them the purposes of God.
But while every believer is a child and a friend.
To walk in the good of it is to have the Spirit of God speaking to us.
And revealing.
For there are difficulties in wilderness life. Sometimes we need encouragement.
Sometimes we need strengthening, sometimes we need our vision enlarged.
But if we walk in communion?
Putin, Grace.
Suited meat, all will be supplied in their due time.
That's how I take it. First, there's another thought when you speak of discipleship being a disciple of Christ.
Well, the two are very much akin.
Discipleship has the thought of following. Every believer is not a disciple. In that sense, a man might be a disciple and not a believer at all. It means a follower.
We get that thought, brother in John 831. Yes, read it to us. Then send Jesus to those Jews, the leads on him.
If he continue in my word.
Then I my disciple indeed.
Yeah, so that's a true disciple, isn't it? Yes, an unbeliever may be a disciple.
And a believer may not be in that sense, that is, he's not following the Lord in his path. And if Judas was a disciple, wasn't he? Yes, but he wasn't a believer, I think, in that connection, brother Barry.
It's well to notice that.
When our Lord.
Chose Judas.
He knew all about him. The 6th of John was so that.
Last next the last verse John 6.
Six verse 70.
Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you? 12 And one of you is a devil?
The word devil there is is devil. It isn't demon as you generally get in the gospel.
Almost always. Where our King James Bible gives us devil or devils, it's it's demons. But not here. It's the word for devil. Have not I chosen you? 12 and one of you is a devil? Not that he'll become one, but he is.
Now look at the 6th of Luke.
I think an important point here.
Loop 6.
And the 13th?
And when it was day Jesus called unto him.
His disciples, his disciples, and of them He chose 12.
Who also he named apostles?
Let me get the list of them and the last one named in the 16th verse.
Judas Iscariot, which was also the traitor. Now look at the third of John.
And they know the second of John.
On the 23rd verse.
Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover in the Peace day.
Many believed in his name when they saw the miracles which he did.
But Jesus did not commit himself unto them.
Because he knew all men and needed not that any should testify of man, for he knew what was in man.
That is, there was a belief.
A kind of acknowledgement that he was the one that he pretended to be.
But the Lord put no confidence in that faith, no confidence at all.
Judas elected himself as a candidate to be Judas by becoming a disciple. In other words, the Lord didn't just go and tap somebody on the shoulder and say now you're elected to be Judas. We've got to have a Judas and you're elected to be it. No. Judas faced himself in a position where he professed to be.
An honest follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord took him on his own word and told him among the apostles. So we could never accuse the Lord.
Of anything wrong and what he did. There had to be a Judas. But Judas had qualified himself to be a Judas by enrolling as a disciple. I think that's an important point to see.
No. My father used to say, believe one reason why the Lord spent the whole night in prayer and the 6th was John before he chose the 12 apostles.
Because of the sorrow of selecting a man like Judaism.
John brings us in his ministry.
To the judgment of Apostate Christendom.
And in the Book of Revelation.
It is the judgment of apostate Israel and apostate Christendom.
And the heaviest glow that will fall upon this earth after we're gone.
Will be upon those two privileged groups.
Apostate Israel and Apostate Christendom.
The heaviest blow. And it's only in John that you get that word in the 6th chapter.
Turn to it because it's so important.
That just 4 words in the 63rd verse of the 6th of John.
The flesh profitable nothing.
Because in John's Gospel the Lord shines forth, and all the excellence, the moral beauty of his person.
To discomfort with him inside.
In all its beauty and excellence.
But the flesh profitable nothing.
Of your family. Do you preach the gospel? Get down on your knees.
Because it's all it's the work of God in the soul, and it must be that in order that there be life. And so we ought to do more praying.
And I speak as condemning myself.
We are getting more praying in earnest supplication.
Or Mr. Potter used to say.
In order to have life, there must be two things.
The work of Christ for the soul, of the work of God in the soul.
And you and I cannot work that in the soul. We can preach, We can come out the gospel faithfully.
But only God cannot flat in power by the spirits and bring that poor guilty Sinner before he made true repentance.
May we be more earnest in prayer for blessing. I suppose that Abraham and Lot would give us illustrations of the difference between a servant and a friend, as you get it in the 15th 1St.
The place where Abraham, I believe, was first called a friend of God.
Within the 18th chapter of Genesis, when the three men appeared at his head door and Abraham provided the beast for them.
And they sat down and ate with him. And then before they killed at the time the two departed, the Lord was himself the one that was engaged in conversation with Abraham.
We find him saying, Shall we hide from Abraham?
Things which we are about to do.
You see, God told Abraham all about the destruction of Sodom before it took place. God took Abraham into confidence with himself.
Well, those who are going on in the same path of faith and separation from the things around that Abraham was going on with in his day, God does take that one into a special intimacy with himself.
For that we're not deceived by all the popular ideas in the world about advancement and putting satellites around the moon and so on, and what man is attending and accomplishing. The child of God, who is walking in obedience and dependence knows that this world is a judged and condensing that is soon to be under the awful judgment of God.
That our only hope is the Lord coming to take us out of the scene before the judgment stroke falls. Well, in the case of love, God didn't eat.
Didn't create ladders of friends, he just sent 2 angels down to solemn.
To pull him out of that the city of destruction before the judgment fell. So either we're going on as one of those.
That God can call a friend, that he can communicate his mind to, because there is that separation from the world and its ways and its thoughts. We're walking in communion with himself, or else there is that dazzling with the world. And you know, love was a thief. Miami was a righteous man. And yet he got mixed up down there in the plains, the well watered plains of Jordan.
And made a home down there in that city that was Co wicked. That is right. His soul was vexed from day-to-day.
What an instruction and what a warning there is for us than that.
What doesn't go right into Sodom at first here? Dallas Brother Kenya.
Separating from Abraham.
Later on we find it in sovereign there have been several degrees by which we carefully level along by Satan, away from Abraham, or there was a an altar, and such things.
I didn't go to the very center of.
We've been reading lately. Revelation here.
Those two groups you just mentioned, Apostate Israel, Apostate Christmas, Are they the two defined in the end of the 14th chapters when we get to the harvest and the gathering of the rates of the vineyard?
Yes, yes.
There there's prophets of old folk of the.
Syrian Church. But in the Book of Revelation, it's primarily, I don't say there's no intimation of the other, but it's primarily all through the judgment of apostate Christendom and apostate Israel and you get apostate Israel in Matthew 12.
To get apostate Christendom in 2nd Thessalonians 2.
Now you've asked the question if you turn to it.
Matthew 12.
The 43rd verse.
When the young king spirit has gone out of a man, that is.
Israel, after their restoration, never were idolaters, the unclean spirit of idolatry.
I've met them today, a Jew in Ottawa, in Detroit, here. He isn't an idolatry.
Young teen Spirit has gone out of the land. He walked through dry places seeking rest and find of none.
That's because he hasn't got pregnant. Then he said I will return into my house from website came out and when he is coming by to the empty, swept and garnish, then go out here and take it with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they entered in and dwell there and the last seat of that man is worse than the 1St.
Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation that is prophetic of apostate Israel.
And after we are gone.
Satanic power and delusion were characterized their being in the land.
The other is Second Thessalonians 2, and there it's apostate Christendom.
Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him the rapture given in First Thessalonians 4.
The Japanese soon taken in mind, or be troubled neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as from us as of the day, not of Christ, but the day of the Lord, is at hand, that no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first.
That man of sin be revealed the Son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, and that is worship, so that he has God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
There will be a correlation.
Between the beast and the Antichrist, so that these two apostate groups are linked together in their apostasy, but there are separate groups.
Though mixed together in their apostasy, God sending a strong delusion that they should believe a lie.
Part of growth darkness. I'm quoting now Isaiah 60.
Shall cover the people now leave. When you read that in Isaiah 16, put an answer to the end.
Close darkness shall call over the peoples.
There I believe it's looking forward prophetically, to these two groups correlating together in their apostasy, and the Lord returns in the clouds of heaven to judge.
It's not to judge an apostate Christendom, but the judge an apostate Israel.
Apostate Christendom has been judged providentially.
And completely eradicated.
Before the Lord appears in the clouds of heaven.
You get that in the 17th and 18th chapters of Revelation.
Is that the harvest of the earth? That will be. That's the judgment of the *****. That's the part state Christendom. And she's completely destroyed providentially by God.
The the Western Beast.
Is in closely with the harlot with apostate Christendom.
For mutual advantage, there's no love between them at all.
But for mutual advantage, they go on together for a while.
And the moment the beast gets in a position where he can throw off the harlot.
And eradicate her from the scene. He doesn't and he leaves nothing other.
Our flight is is consumed with fire. There's nothing left. Then when the Lord comes back.
In In glory and power and judgment it's apostate Israel. It confronts him, not not apostate Christian.
What is this part of the nurse thing?
The harvest.
Is discriminating.
That is, there are those that are spared.
The busy there's there's no discrimination there.
It says.
What's that? It's a death card in the harvest.
I don't know that Mark is limited to that. What would you say, brother? Hey, Hope.
I would agree with that statement that one couldn't limit it to that.
But what you said is true that.
There will be a link together of the harlot and those that are left behind in what we call.
The professing Christian world. They'll be linked together and come under the judgment of God and eradicate.
But when the Lord comes out of heaven.
It will be the judgment of a world that is practically excluded, God or any of His authority in the earth.
The judgment will be terrible. In fact, they.
Oh brethren.
Any might we have is the grace of God. That's opened our eyes to see. That's why in John's ministry, as I suggested the 15th of John.
It is particularly appropriate to these last days.
You'll notice in the 9th of John the man is born blind. That's how every one of us work.
And our eyes have been opened.
By the wonderful grace of God.
Let us rejoice in it, but walk in the good of it.
For our eyes may be open and at the same time if we get morally careless.
We may lose the preciousness of the truth that is ministered here.
A wild grace will call us home, and the shout come.
God would have us to rejoice in hope, and that day approaches.
Is that right brother?
Precious to be gathered for the name of the Lord Jesus Christ through his grace.
It's many years since I've gone in. His Grace gave me to take His place by face of the Lord's table with those gathered to His name. The older I get, the more I value it.
The more I evaluate, I can say Amen to that, brother.
Always precious brother, and such meetings of these that lift our hearts above the vanity of this world, or how good they are to one soul.
You dear young people.
May the truth of God.
Be so precious to you.
That you get on your knees for grace and strength to walk in it, knowing it is not enough.
Walking in it, you get the good of it in your souls, and that is the only way of continuance in it as we approach.
The end, which is now so near an end. When this American picked up the wounded man, he took him to the end.
And he left directions for him to be cared for at the end until he came back.
Well, I think it's so lovely to look at that end as the assembly.
And keep close to the Christ in the center, Christ in the ministry, he close. That's where your soul is going to be guarded.
If you get carelessness to that.
Drift around into the world you don't know where you'll land.
As far as the folly of the scene is concerned, all around us is an utter confusion.
Both in Christendom and in the world.
And how gracious that the Lord has given us a clean path for our feet in the midst of the frustration and confusion that rings about us.
Why was it an inn, Brother Brown said of a house. Well, we're just, we're we're not. We're just tending. We're just passing through. We're not settling down.
They bought a Zebra 13 here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
We're pilgrims. We're not tramps. The trap is going, but it's going nowhere.
A Pilgrim is going, but he has a goal before he's on his way to gold.